Do you LOVE it??

If you just LOVE Close To My Heart products and wish you could have it all -- you can! Become a consultant and the great discounts and incentives you receive will have all those 'wish list' items off your list and into your hands faster than you can imagine!

Why become a consultant? There are so many reasons!! Whether you just love our products and would like to be able to purchase them at a discount, want to make a little extra money, or would like to build a viable business, Close To My Heart will provide great opportunities for you. Here are some things to think about...

1. Close To My Heart consultants earn at least 22% commission on their orders. This means that, even if you're just buying for yourself, you'll be able to purchase your products at a discount!

2. There's no minimum enrollment period. This means you're free to try it out and can stop at any time with no penalty.

3. To keep your consultant status active you only need to order $300 in product per quarter. (You still remain active if you drop below that, but your discount decreases to 10%).

Let's do the math: Each time you submit an order for $150, you will receive $33 off your order, plus receive $25 in additional free product, plus a Stamp of the Month for just $5. That's $197.95 in product for only $122 - a savings of almost $76.00!  

4. In addition to the cost savings, Close To My Heart consultants are also able to access great on-line tutorials about products and techniques.  I get lots of great ideas this way - Love it!!

5. I'm here to help!! In addition to the great support Close To My Heart provides its consultants, I will personally be here to guide you through your choices and help you make the most of consultant opportunities that best meet your goals.

For more information about becoming a Close To My Heart consultant, please contact me or click here to read more on our company website. Click here to sign up today!