I just love the YouTube video CTMH created to introduce Studio J! It really touches on a great point... you have tons of digital photos on your computer, but will these really tell your story to your children, grandchildren and beyond? Remember how much you loved flipping through your parent's photo albums and reminiscing? Because they were using film, they had fewer photos that captured the moments than we do. Will paging through hundreds of photos on a computer screen really deliver the same feel as we had when we curled up in a chair with an album?
And what about the story? Even those of us who scrapbook often leave out the most important part of the page - journaling. We don't like our handwriting, or don't know where to add it, or don't have the right color marker - - the excuses are endless. One of my favorite parts about Studio J is it has built-in journaling blocks that make it super easy to add a few lines describing the event. Just click the 'scale font' box and it will even allow you to write as little or as much as you'd like and automatically size the text to fit. Perfect!!
Many of us have wonderful intentions, but time is not always on our side and before we know it, we're years behind on our scrapping. Don't become your own worst enemy!! Studio J is such a simple way to stay ahead of the game (or to do a little 'catching up'). Even if you're a hard-core 'traditionalist', isn't having something better than nothing?
So watch this video and let me know if it inspires you to tell your story and 'keep the memories'. It worked for me! Scroll down and check out the layout I did the other night (while I'm still on vacation!! :)
This is one of the layouts I've completed already! I did one while waiting for my turn in the bathroom, another one when the rest of the family decided to sleep in one day. Amazing! It will feel so great to have a big chunk of my photos scrapped before I even get back home... Give it a whirl! Don't forget - - during the month of June CTMH is gifting everyone a free JPG file absolutely free. It's a great time to try it and you'll see what a wonderful tool it really is. Contact me if you have any questions.

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